CaliJet Levels caliper of paper sheet by action on machine calender
Calijet Profiler consists of an air plenum positioned in front of one of the rolls of the paper machine Calender, fed by an external fan.
Calijet Profiler consists of an air plenum positioned in front of one of the rolls of the paper machine Calender, fed by an external fan.
The air plenum is equipped internally with a number of thermic nozzles disposed along its length placed behind corresponding Openings in the Front Plate facing the Roll.
Air jets of variable temperature are directed against the surface of the roll generating an appropriate thermic profile along the roll, which in turn causes a corresponding variation of its
diameter in the length direction.
This in turn permits to change locally the linear pressure and thus levelling the caliper \ smoothness cross machine profile of the paper.
Calijet high lights
Single Jets for Stronger Impact and Greater Heat Transfer
Increased Corrective Action with less power and less air flow
Option of Doubling or Tripling the Nozzles to increase KW\foot and sharper control
Safer greater distance from roll surface
Flexible zone spacing
Costructed completely in Heavy Stainless SteelĀ
Internal components all high temperature proof no inflammable.
Customized for best adaptation to the specific application.
Flexible control zone definition for resolution.
Plug-In Connectors for power Cable Connection
Retracting mechanism
Retracting mechanism based on Pneumatic Cylinders
Tailored for the specific application
Magnetic limit switch for monitoring working position
Automatic retraction at paper break
Special solutions for limited space situations.
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information